A person-centred approach
Section 1
It is important that practitioners, in line with Part 2 6.(2) Of the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014 recognise:
- the rights of the individual should be paramount to the approach;
- their best interests should always be paramount;
- as far as is reasonably practicable, ascertain and have regard to the individual’s views, wishes and feelings;
- have regard to the importance of promoting and respecting the dignity of the individual;
- have regard to the characteristics, culture and beliefs of the individual (including, for example, language) whilst recognising the paramountcy of safeguarding the individual;
- have regard to the importance of providing appropriate support to enable the individual to participate in decisions that affect him or her to the extent that is appropriate in the circumstances, particularly where the individual’s ability to communicate is limited for any reason.
Pointers for Practice: Taking a Person-Centred Approach