An overview of the duty to report process
Section 2
I am aware of a child that may be at risk of harm? of a child that may be at risk of harm? What evidence do I have: disclosure; observation; information?

Do I need to take immediate action to ensure safety? Should I obtain emergency medical aid? Do the police need to be informed a possible crime has been committed?

Is there a designated safeguarding person (DSP) in my agency I can discuss this with? Do I need to contact social services for advice? What is the result of these discussions?

Do I need to make a report to social services? Do I need to try to gain consent? What information do I have to share: core data; cause for concern; individual's living environment?

Should this report be immediate by telephone, followed up in 24 hrs by a written report or is the level of concern such I can make a written reportl? What advice have I received about this from my agency and social services?

What do I need to do next? Document incident/concerns; inform key people; ensure received response from social services within 7 working days or chase up.