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Overview of section

Section 3 part 2

In this section the decision-making process for concluding s47 enquiries is outlined. Key to this process is establishing ‘significant harm’ and making the decision in terms of three possible S47 enquiries determinations.

These are:

  1. Determination 1: concerns of significant harm are not substantiated
  2. Determination 2: concerns are substantiated but the child is not at continuing risk
  3. Determination 3: concerns are substantiated, and the child is judged to be experiencing or at risk of harm, abuse or neglect and a child protection conference should be convened.

The initial child protection conference follows s47 enquiries where there are concerns of continuing risk of significant harm to a child/ren - Determination 3.

Procedures, in relation to the conference include:

The following procedures are essential to both securing child-centred practice and that the voice of the child is heard at the conference:

Involving parents in the child protection conference is important because they have a significant contribution to make. If this is to be effective, then practitioners should be clear about their own roles and responsibilities in:

Preparing reports for conference is essential in order to inform decision-making. This part of the Procedures outlines:

The procedures relating to the initial child protection conference: process are detailed including:

The decision-making process at an initial child protection conference should lead to:


Process details are include:

If Conference decision 2 is made the conference participants must list the child’s name on the Child Protection Register.

Procedures cover:

If the child’s name is placed on the Child Protection Register then the conference participants must develop the outline care and support protection plan and the chair must identify the social worker: (care and support protection plan co-ordinator). The social worker’s role and responsibilities are detailed.

There are several other tasks for the initial child protection conference and post conference. These include managing: