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Pointers for Practice: Managing Conferences for Sibling Groups

It can be challenging for both the family and practitioner conference members to consider the needs of each child in a large sibling group. The following should be considered by the chair and social worker prior to the conference:

  • who needs to attend the conference to ensure sufficient information is available so that the care and support protection needs of each child can be identified?
  • what are the implications for conference attendance and managing participation and discussion?
  • how long is the conference likely to last if we are to ensure in order to ensure the needs of each child are considered in a meaningful manner?
  • how do we intend to ensure each sibling is given a voice at the conference?
  • how will we manage parental/carer participation if there are several parenting figures involved with the care of the different siblings?

Having considered the above, the chair and social worker should decide:

  • can we realistically identify and address the care, support and protection needs of every child in one conference? Should we consider holding two conferences as the needs of the different siblings are so diverse?
  • are the family likely to feel overwhelmed by the size of the conference? How may this impact on their participation and securing the voice of each child?
  • can we ensure that practitioner participants fully participate in sharing information and decision-making?
  • what are the implications for conference length? If the conference is likely to go on for more than 90 mins will we need a break? Should we consider holding two conferences?